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Monday, December 30, 2013

Sherwood Hall, West House Sitting Room

Courtesy of Terry Hann

The Vail House, Florida

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This is a photograph of the Vail House built c. 1905.  It is on North Main Street.  Notice the Dill House to the left.

The Dill House, Florida

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This is a photograph of the Dill House, which was built c.1838.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Glen at New Milford

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This post card is postmarked 1905.  This is the old iron bridge on Covered Bridge Road.  It appears that the Glen is a few yards down from the old dam.  You can see the old mill (now Pacem in Terris) on the left.

Orange County Fair, Middletown, NY

Courtesy of Terry Hann

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

High Breeze: An American Family Farm by Robert Flether

Bob Fletcher is an artist living in the New Milford hamlet of the Town of Warwick.  This 170 page book is full of Bob's art work and a narrative of what life was like on the Barrett family farm.  It can be ordered from Iron Mountain Press, P.O. Box 7, New Milford, N.Y.10959.  Make check payable to Iron Mountain Press.  Price is : $24.95 plus $6.00 for a total of $30.95.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Kill, New Milford

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This post card is postmarked 1918 (?).  It is mislabeled.  It is not the Double Kill, but the view is of the Wawayanda Creek, looking downstream.  The center building in the old Conklin and Strong Mill. The two buildings in the foreground, on the left and right, are no longer there.  The old mill is now "Pacem in Terris.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Inkowa House - Greenwood Lake

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This post card is postmarked 1929.  This was the former Waterstone Cottage.  Then in 1919, it became the Inkowa House.

Wawayanda Lake

Courtesy of Terry Hann

Sunday, September 8, 2013

B. F. Dunning Estate

Courtesy of Terry Hann

This was in the area of the Madison Lewis Estate.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bridge in Warwick

Courtesy of Terry Hann

Possibly the old bridge on County # 1 (Pelton Rd.) or the one on Forester Ave.  If you know leave a comment.

Thursday, August 29, 2013