This was our above-ground pool at the time. Peachblow is the big house at the corner of Covered Bridge Road and Sutton Road. At the time it was two rental apartments. This pool was also my bath. Bath time was in the kitchen near the pump and hot water came from the stove.
This is a photo from our family collection. After some discussion, we think this is on Covered Bridge Road near the intersection with Sutton Rd. This was an event!
This is a photo in the family collection. The two women are my mother, Ann Hann and grandmother Ella Hann. My best guess is that these are the men who worked at the Borden's plant in New Milford in the 1930s.
This photo is in the family collection. This was taken at the Park/Hann farm on 104 Dekay Road. (Left to Right): Ann Hann, ?, Casper Hann, Cassie Park, ?.
This was with the family photos. Mr. Gross was the manager of the Conklin and Strong store in New Milford. I think he was also the postmaster at that time.